Habt ihr die Petition schon unterzeichnet?

  • Hallo

    ich weiss nicht, ob ihr [die Admins] schon einen ähnlichen Thread aufgemacht habt, der sich um die Pedition auf thiefmission.com dreht.

    Wenn ja, dann mein Thread killen.


    Auf Thiefmissions.com gibts eine Ankündigung.
    Mein Englisch ist very bad - ums mal so auszudrücken.
    Die Lycos Übersetzung reversonet.lycos.de hat auch z.t. nur verworrenes ausgespuckt.

    Important Stuff:

    If you love fan made missions for Thief and would like to see FMs for Thief 3, then you should be aware that there's a possibility that the relevant tools and information necessary for folks to make missions for T3 might not ever be released. This would, of course, imply that there won't be any T3 fan missions. At all. What's in the box is all you get. No possibility of masterpieces like Calendra's Legacy, Ominous Bequest, Left for Dead, Seventh Crystal, and others too numerous to mention. We can play all of those because of their authors (may they be thanked profusely), because of the great FM communities that have sprung up, and (rather importantly) because long ago folks convinced Looking Glass/Eidos to release the Thief editor. Now we have more convincing to do.

    Some good people are running a petition here; please consider dropping by and signing it if you have any interest in ever seeing T3 missions available here (or anywhere else).